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The Poclain Foundation Supports Youth Professional Integration

The Poclain Foundation supports L’Ouvre Boîte Compiègne, an initiative aimed at the professional integration of young people. It will finance the journey of a young entrepreneur from the 2024 class. This week, the new class participated in their integration days.
2 min read
Photo de groupe des jeunes de la promotion Bataille

A Springboard for Professional Integration

The Poclain Foundation supports L’Ouvre Boîte, an initiative dedicated to business creation and professional integration of young people aged 18 to 30. It helps young people facing social and professional integration challenges in their entrepreneurial projects. For 18 months, participants benefit from training, collective workshops, and individual support to acquire the necessary skills to develop their professional activity. The objective is to improve the employability of young people in the Compiègne region and to use entrepreneurship as a lever for developing both the hard and soft skills essential for successful integration into working life.

Meetings and Exchanges During Integration Days

On September 30 and October 1, the integration days for the new 2024 class, named "Bataille" in honor of Georges Bataille, founder of Poclain and a visionary entrepreneur, took place. These days are an opportunity to introduce the initiative and its purpose, as well as the history of the Poclain company, a pioneer of industrial innovation in the Compiègne area. Laurent and Jérôme Bataille were both present to share with the young people the genesis and history of Poclain, and the importance of having a vision and believing in their dreams.

The two integration days featured exchanges between the young participants and several professional speakers, along with workshops to help everyone get to know each other better. The future entrepreneurs' projects were also highlighted, giving them the opportunity to present their goals for the coming months and interact with former program participants. A great collective energy!

Les intervenants présentent le programme de la journée

The day is highlighted by speeches from professional speakers.

Laurent et Jérôme Bataillent présentent l'entreprise Poclain

Laurent and Jérôme Bataille presented the history and origins of Poclain.

Les participants déjeunent autour d'une table

The participants had lunch together and shared a moment of conviviality.

The Poclain Foundation: Committed to Youth Integration

Created in 2023, the Poclain Foundation reflects the company's human values. It supports educational initiatives and professional integration projects for young people with complex backgrounds while promoting industrial careers and fostering community around Poclain sites globally.

The Foundation focuses on four key pillars: professional integration, education, industry promotion, and local activity development. By financing the "Bataille" class with a contribution of €10,000, the Poclain Foundation enables a young person to receive comprehensive support for a year.


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