An innovative player in our core-technology, industrial processes and our human resources management, Poclain supports our customers, international groups and local manufacturers, in this new digitalized and connected era made up of environmental and energy challenges.
Poclain's innovation strategy

Poclain's innovation strategy is characterized by a holistic approach, addressing contemporary challenges of sustainability and energy efficiency.
In this regard, the company adopts a technologically agnostic stance, exploring the synergies between hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, and all-electric systems. This diversification reflects the belief that each technology has its place, depending on the specific use case and the machine's work cycle.
Selecting the appropriate technology therefore requires a deep understanding of machine usage patterns, highlighting the importance of having accurate usage data.
Usage Revolution
Electrification, IoT, Autonomous Machines
The digital revolution is about to drastically change the architecture of machines and business models. User expectations are changing. Sustainable development is essential. Technological advances are bringing out stand-alone solutions. Data Science is accelerating innovation, performance and decision-making.
Data Science
Thanks to our internal data and that of our customers, data science now impacts testing, modeling and production. Virtual simulation optimizes the number of real tests. Solutions based on artificial intelligence are developed for our customers: real-time reporting on use of our systems, predictive maintenance, etc.
In addition, data science solutions evaluate internal phenomena in motors without using sensors. These new practices open exciting perspectives in research and applications.
Industry 4.0
Nearly a century of investment and innovation in hydraulic transmission systems and now in electric mobility, are reflected in our ten production sites by use of robots and cobots to reduce physical strain and quality improvement: machining of parts, control, cleaning and packaging.
Remote connections to robots in factories all over the world are becoming commonplace, as is the use of Hololens augmented reality glasses for remote assistance. They are part of our industrialization 4.0 approach.
Beyond these approaches, the Digital Lab created in 2020 is a secure space dedicated to digital subject foresight. It aims to improve the group’s agility while evaluating digital solutions in a hermetic way in respect to our production environments. Several projects have been initiated and some are now part of everyday use, such as augmented reality for operational support in the context of on-field and remote intervention, real-time collaboration between different teams on several continents, but also for operator training.
Digital Transformation of Sales Forces
Sales’ transformation is accelerating with the limitation of travel since 2020 and remote work. Virtual tools are essential with a large number of uses: tech days, webinars, virtual fairs, web portals, CRM, e-learning…
Adding to this is a global ERP to optimize the management of the company and the efficiency between the commercial subsidiaries and production.