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Formula Student: UTC students heat up Poclain's test track

Formul'UT ‘s single-seater runs technical tests on the Poclain test track as the UTC students prepare for their first race.
2 min read
Les étudiants et le monoplace

In Verberie, the Formul'UT single-seater laps the track under the sun. The 6 students and future engineers from UTC closely observe the car's behaviour. The main objective of the day: to validate the final tests and ensure that the car complies with the competition regulations.

Getting ready for the scrutineering stage

Gearshift, emergency braking, steering: everything has to be tested to pass the first stage, also known as "Scrutineering". Once this stage is completed, the team will be able to take part in its first race.
"We still have some work to do, especially on the bodywork, but we're confident for Italy," enthused Anthony after the tests.

The students still have a few months to go before the Formula Student Italy competition which will be held in Varano de' Melegari from September 4 to 8. On this occasion, UTC will join other European engineering schools for its first official competition. In the long term, the association aims to participate in several competitions per year.


Support for an innovative project focusing on sustainable technologies

Poclain supports Formula'UT because of its vision of sustainable innovation and eco-mobility. Throughout the vehicle's development, the team sought to make the most efficient choices in order to find the best compromise between performance and carbon footprint.

The single-seater is powered by a recycled Honda CBR 600 RR engine running on first-generation biofuel. The chassis is fully recyclable and is complemented by a composite body, also sourced from the circular economy.

By 2025, the project will move on to the next stage with a second vehicle equipped with an electric motor.
For several years, Poclain has supported the association through various means: financial contributions, access to the Verberie test track, and custom machining of parts as needed for the project.

At the beginning of the project, we didn't have a vehicle yet, so it was a bit difficult to find sponsors. Poclain helped us a lot.
Axel Charot, President of the Formul'UT Association

For several years, Poclain has supported the association through various means: financial contributions, access to the Verberie test track, and custom machining of parts as needed for the project.


"At the beginning of the project, we didn't have a vehicle yet, so it was a bit difficult to find sponsors. Poclain helped us a lot," recalls Axel Charot, president of the association.

The development of the vehicle is going well and we look forward to seeing the students in August for their next tests and the final stretch before the Formula SAE Italy competition!


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