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O’tech Production School: A New Year Full of Ambitions!

The Production School trains young French students in the metallurgy field (machining and boiler making). After a remarkable 2024 year, the school welcomes new students with new facilities and the introduction of a new course for some students!
Rentrée de l'école de production

O’Tech Production School, specializing in metallurgy, welcomes new students in 2024 with upgraded facilities and a new course offering.

2023-2024: A Resounding Success

The conclusion of the 2023-2024 training cycle was marked by impressive results. The school achieved a 100% pass rate for the CAP certificate , with 80% of students receiving honors. This improvement surpassed the strong results of the previous year.

Among the graduates, 60% will continue their studies towards a professional baccalaureate, 30% have embarked on a new career path thanks to O’TECH, and 10% have entered the workforce after obtaining their diploma.

I am extremely proud of the O’Tech team, who manage to instill pride and bring out the best in our students. This support, along with the passion and determination of our young people, is reflected in these exceptional results.
Bruno Batailly, O'Tech director

Memorable Moments

This year, the school was once again the setting for significant events. These included the first graduation ceremony in November 2023 for students who earned their certificate last year, as well as visits from Thibaut Guilluy, Director of France Travail (French national public employment agency) and Senator Sylvie Valente le Hir.

On May 22, the school celebrated the inauguration of its expansion with students, faculty, economic partners, and local officials. The ceremony provided an opportunity for students to present the school to the guests, showcasing their best technical achievements and their future projects.
2024 was also a rewarding year for students who took on numerous challenges:

•    Participating in an ArcelorMittal France competition, where students placed second after creating a work representing the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
•    Creating an original Olympic flame for the city of Venette for the departure of the Olympic torch.
•    Designing two steel monuments to commemorate the D-Day landings, now installed in the town of Rully Bray (Oise).
•    Meeting industry professionals at the Global Industry trade show.

les élèves devant leur chef d'oeuvre

Students with their masterpiece for the ArcellorMital France competition.

un élève présente sa dernière création

Students presented their best technical achievements during the expansion inauguration ceremony.

un élève présente son poste de travail

The school received visit from Thibaut Guilluy, Director of France Travail (French national public employment agency).

un élève présente son poste de travail

During the visit from Thibaut Guilluy, (Director of French national public employment agency), student had the opportunity to showcase their technical skills.

élèves lors de la cérémonie de diplôme

In November 2023, the school celebrated its first graduation ceremony.

un élève présente son poste de travail

The expansion's inauguration day was also an occasion for students to give a tour of the school and speak about their working processes.

les stèles crées par les élèves

The two steel monuments to commemorate the D-Day landings are now installed in the town of Rully Bray.

Real-World Learning

Throughout the year, O’Tech students applied their skills in real-world conditions, meeting the needs of about forty diverse clients, including regional economic players.

In a vocational high school, we do more theory and make fake parts that end up in the trash, but here we work for real.
Lucas, 17, in his second year of the CAP in boiler making.

"Learning by doing, in a motivating and supportive environment, and preparing for a secure professional future by mastering in-demand trades" has been the philosophy of O’Tech Production School since its creation by Poclain, supported by major local industrial partners.

Goals for 2024-2025

Following the recent expansion, O’Tech aims to have around fifty students to ensure close support. The 2024-2025 school year will bring new challenges with numerous developments to better prepare students for professional life: safety and PPE use, monitoring of soft skills, etc. And for the first time, the school will integrate and implement a customized program for students capable of completing a CAP in one year (instead of the usual two years).

The integration days for new students will be held on September 12th and 13th. The program includes visits to partner companies and the Compiègne town hall.

In November, a graduation ceremony will celebrate the second cohort of graduated students.