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Beijing 2022 winter Olympics was a great success for Slovenia winning seven medals, much of it due to the members of the Žiri ski jumping club and its women’s ski jumping champions that Poclain Hydraulics has supported for many years.
Poclain Hydraulics Representative and Slovenian Olympic Team

Beijing 2022 winter Olympics was a great success for Slovenia winning seven medals. The country's population ranked second best in the world, after Norway, for medals received per capita.


This wonderful success is a great deal due to the members of the Žiri ski jumping club and its women’s ski jumping champions that Poclain Hydraulics has supported for many years. The Olympic women’s ski jumping team led by head coach, Zoran Zupančič, from Žiri contributed three Olympic medals, two gold and one bronze, two of those medals, one gold and one bronze, were won by Žiri team member Nika Križnar.


The club organized a ceremony to meet the Žiri champions and congratulated them for their success. We are very proud and their success is a great inspiration to Poclain Hydraulics Žiri, Slovenia for world-class achievement.


Slovenian Olympic Medal Winner
Photos taken by Tanja Mlinar, Foto Viktor.