A Strong Environmental Strategy Aligned With Poclain’s Values
To define the policy and its roadmap, Poclain has measured the environmental impacts of a product, identified their origin, and prioritized areas for improvement.
Two major projects were undertaken to define our sustainability policy: the life cycle analysis of Poclain’s best-selling motor, and the measurement of the company’s carbon footprint. Studies concluded that the analyzed motor, from mineral extraction to end-of-life, generates 2,4 tons of CO2 Poclain’s direct activities, on the other hand, generated 32,000 tons of carbon in 2022, combining greenhouse gas emissions generated in-house and those generated at the energy source. Our suppliers generated an additional 150,000 tons. Furthermore, a mapping of sustainable development challenges, according to the stakeholders’ expectations and Poclain’s business sector, has been defined. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy results from the conclusions of these studies and aims to integrate these challenges into the Group’s daily operations.
Poclain has set an environmental plan for 2030, focusing on four priority areas.
Fighting climate change
This is a major issue impacting populations, the environment, business context, and regulations.
- To contribute to limiting the extent of climate change, Poclain is committed to reducing carbon emissions and those of our suppliers by 2030 in line with the recommendations of the Paris Agreement (COP 21). The exact calibration of efforts and detailed targets are being finalized and will be validated by a third party (SBTi*). The Group will publicly communicate these plans and the progress achieved.
- The company also confirms its strategy to offer our markets the most efficient transmissions, whether 100% hydraulic, 100% electric, or electro-hydraulic, thus helping its customers and end-users to achieve their own carbon reduction commitments.
Preserving water resources
Concerned about the growing and widespread difficulty of access to drinking water, Poclain aims to reduce its water consumption on all sites and to reduce or eliminate any risk of water pollution associated with its activities.
Promoting a circular economy
A powerful lever to reduce carbon emissions, circularity aims to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources. Poclain confirms its intention to increase the use of recycled material, improve the recyclability of its products, and develop the reuse of its packaging. Regarding remanufacturing (refurbishment of used motors, pumps, and valves), the Group supports the emergence of a viable economic model, which can only happen with the collaboration of key customers. To contribute to this emergence, Poclain actively promotes its remanufacturing offer.
Avoiding all types of pollution
Environmental respect being a longstanding issue, Poclain has always complied with current regulations. Our Group will scrupulously ensure compliance with future regulations to prevent all forms of pollution (air, water, soil) as well as those related to substances that are recognized as dangerous to the environment and human beings. We have already begun implementing our sustainability policy. A Director of the CSR Program is in place to lead its implementation and promote our ambitions. A dedicated team is being formed, encompassing a network of contacts based in Poclain’s locations. They will contribute to driving projects and the sustainable development policy promoted by Poclain. In every department our employees are mobilized to support and implement the projects and actions.
April 2024 : Ecovadis awards Poclain the silver medal

Poclain achieved an excellent overall score in the recent ECOVADIS evaluation, placing us among the top 15% of companies assessed over the past twelve months who achieved a similar level of performance. Ecovadis is a company founded in 2007 which independently evaluates companies’ CSR practices and performance. The Ecovadis evaluation covers environmental, social & human rights, ethics and responsible purchasing themes. EcoVadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 130,000+ rated companies.
*Science Base Target Initiative