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Rowing: the Poclain Women's Crew Wins The Mixed Inter-Company Regatta

The Poclain women's crew added a fourth victory this year to the company's record of achievements at the Inter-Company Rowing Regatta held on June 26 in Compiègne, France. Already a three-time titleholder, in 2018, 2017, 2016, Poclain entered two boats into the race this year, one female crew, the other male. Eleven companies and 17 crews were competing.
2 min read

The inter-company rowing regatta (RIE) was finally back in Compiègne, France, on Sunday, June 26, 2022, after a two-year hiatus. Poclain entered two boats in this mixed competition, with one all-female crew and the second male crew. 11 companies and 17 crews competed for the title in this highly anticipated spring event. 

After four discovery and training sessions during the month of June, the Poclain crews, made up of great beginners and experienced rowers, were ready to go for it. 

The regatta consisted of four races: 

  • A 2200 meter round trip in the morning, between the rowing club pier (SNC: Société Nautique Compiégnoise) and the Pont Neuf
  • Three races of 500 meters in the afternoon: series, semi-finals and finals

In the first race, the Poclain crews won the first two places and then their next two races. The finals were played out between the 2019 title holders, the Actemium c ompany boat and the Poclain men's and women's boat. 

A historic female victory

The victory went to the Poclain women's crew with a good lead over their pursuers. The Poclain men's boat finished third. A remarkable victory since it is the first time that a 100% female boat won this race. 

We are very proud of our colleagues! 

The PHulgurantes: Paola Ipsa, Ariane Kougoum-Fotsing, Blandine Lechat, Julie Martin, Alice Ponchiut and Martina Van de Moosdijk. 

The tyPHons: Yohann Brunel, Amaury Dupas, David Ghesquiere Dierickx and Kevin Surbled. 


The trophy will be on display in our offices in France until it is put back into play next year. Poclain is already calling for candidates to register more crews and of course keep the trophy in 2023. 

The Inter-Company Regatta has been organized by the SNC since 2004. Our colleagues Frédéric Balle and Nicolas Ternoy have mbeen members of the rowing club for years and are very involved in its activities.