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[Podcast] Frédéric Michelland Interview in "La nouvelle éco", by France Bleu Picardie

The program "La nouvelle éco" on France Bleu Picardie radio welcomed Frédéric Michelland, CEO of the Poclain group on June 27, to talk about the recently acquired stakes in two startups: SAMSYS and EMSISO.
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The acceleration of the Poclain group in electromobility and connected services is what motivated the group to acquire stakes in the two startups EMSISO, a Slovenian company specializing in the control of electrical machines, and SAMSYS, a French expert company in IoT and artificial intelligence for agricultural machinery in 2022. 

Frédéric Michelland, Managing Director of the group, explained the acquisition of stakes in these startups to France Bleu Picardie in the program "La nouvelle éco" on June 27, 2022. 

The need for access to new skills, new understanding in the field of software, electronics and electricity motivated this acquisition. For the selected startups, this allows them to have faster access to new international markets. 

We can thus support our customers in the electrification of their machines in the field of construction and agriculture. At the same time, we are enriching our hydraulic offering, with new services around data enhancement that can be collected on our customers' machines.